I’m currently a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Melbourne. I’m researching videogame spaces in the department of Screen Studies under the supervision of Associate Professor Angela Ndalianis.
I’ve also recently been tutoring and lecturing across a number of subjects. My academic CV (last updated June 2013) may be found below.
Click here to access my academia.edu profile.
My honours thesis, From Above, From Below: Navigating the Videogame is available at GameCareerGuide, or you can directly download it from this site here.
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Ph.D., Cinema Studies, University of Melbourne, 2009 – present. Expected completion 2013. (Supervisor: Associate Professor Angela Ndalianis)
Bachelor of Arts (Hons.), Double majors in Cultural Studies and History, University of Melbourne, 2008. Awarded first class honours (score: 90).
CULS30001 The Digital Mediascape, School of Culture & Communication, The University of Melbourne, Semester Two.
Responsibilities: Coordination of 60 students; syllabus design; wrote and presented 12 weekly 1.5 hour lectures; ran 3 hourly tutorials per week; set assessment, marked assessment, and worked with administration to track student progress (including online and paper assessment); ran screenings, videogame lab sessions, and gallery excursions; maintained digital education tools, such as LMS, the subject blog (wordpress), twitter account, and Spotify playlist.
CULS30001 The Digital Mediascape, School of Culture & Communication, The University of Melbourne, Semester Two.
Responsibilities: As above, with coordination of 90 students, and additional casual tutor management.
School of Culture & Communication, The University of Melbourne:
“Social Media: Redefining the boundaries of the self,” CICU30012 Contemporary Film and Cultural Theory
“The history of videogames,” CICU20011 Screen and Media Histories
“Videogame censorship,” SCRN40013 Censorship: Film, Art and Media
“Avatar and the history of film technology,” CICU10001 Introduction to Cinema Studies
“Inception and videogame convergence,” SCRN20011 Hollywood and Entertainment
“Blogging,” AMGT90017 Communicating the Arts
School of Culture & Communication, The University of Melbourne:
“The history of videogames,” CICU20011 Screen and Media Histories
“Videogame censorship,” SCRN40013 Censorship: Film, Art and Media
“Avatar and the history of film technology,” CICU10001 Introduction to Cinema Studies
“Inception and videogame convergence,” SCRN20011 Hollywood and Entertainment
“Videogames and screen media,” SCRN40009 Screen Media and Mediated Experiences
“Blogging,” AMGT90017 Communicating the Arts
School of Culture & Communication, The University of Melbourne:
“Videogame censorship,” 107-474 Censorship: Film, Art and Media
“The history of videogames,” 106-009 Screen and Media Histories
“Avatar and the history of film technology,” 107-132 Introduction to Cinema Studies
“Viral Marketing,” 106-201 Hollywood and Entertainment
“Blogging,” 760-550 Communicating the Arts
HAGM100 Interactive Game Structures, Swinburne University, Faculty of Life and Social Sciences, Semester One 2013 (20 students / 1 weekly tutorial).
106-201 Hollywood and Entertainment, The University of Melbourne, School of Culture & Communication, Semester One 2010 (62 students / 3 weekly tutorials).
106-320 The Digital Mediascape, The University of Melbourne, School of Culture & Communication, Semester One 2010 (36 students / 2 weekly tutorials).
Commissioned to develop subject website and instructional videos for 760-550 Communicating the Arts, The University of Melbourne, School of Culture & Communication, Semester One 2013.
Developed teaching and study guides, 106-132 Introduction to Cinema Studies, The University of Melbourne, School of Culture & Communication, Semester One 2010.
Contributed to and revised course curriculum, 107-473 Censorship: Film, Art and Media, The University of Melbourne, School of Culture & Communication, Semester Two 2010.
Marking of honours theses, Screen and Cultural Studies Program, Faculty of Arts, University of Melbourne.
Book chapters
Daniel Golding, “Configuration/Navigation”, Game of Words, Words of Play: Essays on the Terminology of Videogame Theory, Zach Waggoner [Ed], McFarland and Company, 2013
Journal articles
Peer reviewed
—, “‘A Series of Emotional Remembrances’: Echoes of Bernard Herrmann.” Refractory: Journal of Entertainment Media, no. 19 (August 2011)
Book reviews
—, “Book Review: How To Do Things With Videogames.” Digital Culture and Education, forthcoming December 2012
—, “Book Review: Newsgames: Journalism at Play.” PLATFORM: Journal of Media and Communication, 3(1) (April 2011): 57-60.
Daniel Golding, “Listening to Proteus.” Meanjin, Vol 72 No 2 (Winter 2013): 108-115.
—, “‘Music Will Be Enough Here’: Remembering Bernard Herrmann.” Kill Your Darlings, no. 7 (October 2011): 139-147.
—, “Not Art, You Say?: In Defence of Videogames.” Kill Your Darlings, no. 5 (April 2011): 79-85.
B.I Academic conferences
Daniel Golding, “Film music materiality and leitmotif in The Dark Knight Rises,” Materialities: Economies, Empiricism, and Things. The Cultural Studies Association of Australia Annual Conference 2012, University of Sydney.
—, “The Hook of the Look: the role of the vista in videogame space,” CODE: A Media, Games and Art Conference. Swinburne University, 2012.
—, “The Blind Watchmaker: animation and procedural generation in videogame world design,” The Animation Machine—The 24th annual Society for Animation Studies Conference, RMIT University, June 25 2012.
—, “Putting the Player back in their Place: spatial analysis from below,” Under the Mask: Perspectives on the Gamer, University of Bedfordshire, June 13 2012.
—, “The myopia hoax: film, music and meaning,” Antithesis Symposium 2011, University of Melbourne, 29 July 2011.
B.II Industry conferences
Panel Chair, “Postcards from Imaginary Worlds,” Re:Play, Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Melbourne, 18 September 2012.
Panel Chair, “Stories and Systems,” Melbourne Writer’s Festival, Ian Potter Centre: NGV Australia, Melbourne, 1 September 2012.
Panel Chair, “Someone Else’s Skin,” Re:Play, Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Melbourne, 21 August 2012.
Panel Chair, “Creativity and Commerce,” Game Masters: The Forum, [panel including Tim Schafer, Phil Larsen] Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Melbourne, 29 June 2012.
Panel Member, “Why We Do What We Do,” Freeplay Independent Games Festival, Melbourne, 20 August 2011.
Panel Chair, “Everything Is Political,” Freeplay Independent Games Festival, Melbourne, 20 August 2011.
Panel Member, “Twisting Spaces,” Freeplay Independent Games Festival, Melbourne, 15 August 2010.
Panel Member, Virtual, Real and Inner Lives Conference, The Victorian Child Psychotherapists Association, Melbourne, October 23 2009.
B.III Public Talks
Daniel Golding, “Videogames,” presented at University of Melbourne Access Day, Melbourne, 18 November 2011.
Daniel Golding, “Stupid Social Media,” presented for Monash Golden Key Youth Forum, 20 July 2011.
Australian Postgraduate Award, 2009 – 2012
Commonwealth Scholarship and Access Scholarship, 2005 – 2008